主要从事多孔材料的合成与应用、微化工系统等方面的研究。近年来,围绕着“无机多孔材料的设计、合成和调控”这一前沿课题,从化学工程和材料化学的基本原理出发,在深入分析无机多孔材料结晶特性的基础上,实现了分子筛的“分钟级别”快速合成、连续流动合成及“秒级别”超快速连续流动合成,建立了分子筛的快速改性及金属纳米团簇在分子筛内的快速封装等新方法,提出了基于“结晶诱导自组装”制备三维“非紧密堆积”纳米结构的新思路,创新了无机多孔材料的合成方法和制备工艺,取得了受学术界和产业界瞩目的成果。已在PNAS和Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等期刊发表研究论文40余篇,学术成果曾被Chemistry Views、Chemistry World及日本经济新闻等媒体报导。曾获清华大学优秀硕士毕业论文奖、东京大学工学部部长奖(研究奖)等荣誉。
● 教育与工作经历:
2001~2005 山东大学化学与化工学院 本科
2009~2012 清华大学化学工程系 硕士
2012~2015 日本东京大学化学系统工程系 博士
2015~2016 日本东京大学化学系统工程系 博士后
2016~2017 美国明尼苏达大学双城分校化学工程与材料科学系 博士后
2017~2021 日本东京大学化学系统工程系 助理教授
2021~至今 清华大学化学工程系 助理教授
● 研究领域:
● 主要学术任职
2020年~至今 中国化学会 会员
2021年~至今 中国化工学会 会员
2021年~至今 美国化学会 会员
● 代表性论文/专利/著作(必须,建议10-20条):
The superscripts of * and # denote “corresponding author” and “equal contribution”, respectively
1. Keita Yamashita, Zhendong Liu,* Kenta Iyoki, Ching-Tien Chen, Shoko Miyagi, Yutaka Yanaba, Yusuke Yamauchi, Tatsuya Okubo and Toru Wakihara*. Synthetic and Natural MOR Zeolites as High-Capacity Adsorbents for the Removal of Nitrous Oxide. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 1312-1315 (featured as an Inside Front Cover of the journal).
2. Umer Khalil, Zhendong Liu,* Ce Peng, Naomichi Hikichi, Toru Wakihara, Javier García-Martínez, Tatsuya Okubo and Sankar Bhattacharya*. Ultrafast Surfactant-Templating of *BEA Zeolite: An Efficient Catalyst for the Cracking of Polyethylene Pyrolysis Vapours. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 412, 128566.
3. Tatsushi Yoshioka, Zhendong Liu,* Kenta Iyoki, Anand Chokkalingam, Yasuo Yonezawa, Yuusuke Hotta, Ryohji Ohnishi, Takeshi Matsuo, Yutaka Yanaba, Koji Ohara, Takahiko Takewaki, Tsuneji Sano, Tatsuya Okubo and Toru Wakihara*. Ultrafast and Continuous-Flow Synthesis of AFX Zeolite via Interzeolite Conversion of FAU Zeolite. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 6, 74-81. (featured as a Front Cover of the journal).
4. Jie Zhu, Ryota Osuga, Ryo Ishikawa, Naoya Shibata, Yuichi Ikuhara, Junko N. Kondo, Masaru Ogura, Jihong Yu, Toru Wakihara,* Zhendong Liu* and Tatsuya Okubo. Ultrafast Encapsulation of Metal Nanoclusters into MFI Zeolite in the Course of Its Crystallization: Catalytic Application for Propane Dehydrogenation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 49, 19669-19674.
5. Jie Zhu, Zhendong Liu*, Le Xu, Takeshi Ohnishi, Yutaka Yanaba, Masaru Ogura, Toru Wakihara* and Tatsuya Okubo. Understanding the High Hydrothermal Stability and NH3-SCR Activity of the Fast-Synthesized ERI Zeolite. Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 391, 346-356.
6. Jie Zhu, Vitaly Sushkevich, Amy Knorpp, Mark Newton, Stefanie C. M. Mizuno, Toru Wakihara, Tatsuya Okubo, Zhendong Liu* and Jeroen A. van Bokhoven*. Cu-Erionite Zeolite Achieves High Yield in Direct Oxidation of Methane to Methanol by Isothermal Chemical Looping. Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 4, 1448-1453.
7. Zhendong Liu,* Jie Zhu, Ce Peng, Toru Wakihara and Tatsuya Okubo. Continuous Flow Synthesis of Ordered Porous Materials: From Zeolites to Metal-Organic Frameworks and Mesoporous Silica. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 4, 1699-1720 (featured as a Front Cover of the journal).
8. Zhendong Liu, Jie Zhu, Toru Wakihara and Tatsuya Okubo*. Ultrafast Synthesis of Zeolites: Breakthrough, Progresses and Perspective. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 14-31.
9. Zhendong Liu, Wenyang Zhao, Prashant Kumar, Xinyu Li, Yasser Al Wahedi, Michael Tsapatsis* and Andreas Stein*. Direct Synthesis and Pseudomorphic Transformation of Mixed Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Non-Close-Packed Hollow Sphere Arrays. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57, 15707-15711.
10. Toyohiro Usui,#* Zhendong Liu,# Sayoko Ibe, Jie Zhu, Chokkalingam Anand, Hirokazu Igarashi, Naoki Onaya, Yukichi Sasaki, Yuji Shiramata, Tetsuro Kusamoto and Toru Wakihara*. Improve the Hydrothermal Stability of Cu-SSZ-13 Zeolite Catalyst by Loading a Small Amount of Ce. ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8, 9165-9173. (#equal contribution).
11. Zhendong Liu, Kotatsu Okabe, Chokkalingam Anand, Yasuo Yonezawa, Jie Zhu, Hiroki Yamada, Akira Endo, Yutaka Yanaba, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Koji Ohara, Tatsuya Okubo and Toru Wakihara*. Continuous Flow Synthesis of ZSM-5 Zeolite on the Order of Seconds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016, 113, 14267-14271.
12. Zhendong Liu, Toru Wakihara, Kazunori Oshima, Daisuke Nishioka, Yuusuke Hotta, Shanmugam P. Elangovan, Yutaka Yanaba, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Watcharop Chaikittisilp, Takeshi Matsuo, Takahiko Takewaki and Tatsuya Okubo*. Widening Synthesis Bottlenecks: Realization of Ultrafast and Continuous-Flow Synthesis of High-Silica Zeolite SSZ-13 for NOx Removal. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54, 5683-5687.
13. Zhendong Liu, Naoki Nomura, Daisuke Nishioka, Yuusuke Hotta, Takeshi Matsuo, Kazunori Oshima, Yutaka Yanaba, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Koji Ohara, Shinji Kohara, Takahiko Takewaki, Tatsuya Okubo* and Toru Wakihara*. A Top-Down Methodology for Ultrafast Tuning of Nanosized Zeolites. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 12567-12570.
14. Zhendong Liu, Toru Wakihara, Daisuke Nishioka, Kazunori Oshima, Takahiko Takewaki and Tatsuya Okubo*. Ultrafast Continuous-Flow Synthesis of Crystalline Microporous Aluminophosphate AlPO4-5. Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26, 2327-2331.
15. Zhendong Liu, Toru Wakihara, Daisuke Nishioka, Kazunori Oshima, Takahiko Takewaki and Tatsuya Okubo*. One-Minute Synthesis of Crystalline Microporous Aluminophosphate (AlPO4-5) by Combining Fast Heating with A Seed-Assisted Method, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 2526-2528.
16. Zhendong Liu, Yangcheng Lu,* Jiawei Wang and Guangsheng Luo. Mixing Characterization and Scaling-up Analysis of Asymmetrical T-shaped Micromixer: Experiment and CFD Simulation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 181, 597-606.
17. Zhendong Liu, Yangcheng Lu,* Bodong Yang and Guangsheng Luo. Controllable Preparation of Poly (butyl acrylate) by Suspension Polymerization in Coaxial Capillary Microreactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 2, 225-234.
● 实验室主页