刘凯 副教授
地址:清华大学工物馆 邮件:liukai2019@tsinghua.edu.cn |
长期从事新能源高分子膜材料(如固态锂电池电解质膜,碱性离子膜)和电池安全材料研究。以第一作者或者通讯作者身份在国际知名学术期刊(如Science Advances,JACS, Joule, Angew Chem,Adv Mater等)发表论文 22篇,其中三篇论文为ESI高被引论文。研究成果多次被Science,Nature Materials,NPG Asia Materials等学术刊物撰专文Highlight和报道,同时也被CNN,BBC和科技日报等媒介报道。曾获《麻省理工科技评论》 “35岁以下科技创新35人”(TR35)中国榜单,瑞士Dinitris N. Chorafas青年研究奖(全球每年遴选30人)、清华大学学术新秀等多项奖励。
● 教育与工作经历
2005~2009 吉林大学化学学院 本科
2009~2014 清华大学化学系 博士
2014~2019 斯坦福大学材料科学与工程系 博士后
2019~2023 清华大学化学工程系 助理教授,特别研究员,博士生导师
2023~至今 清华大学化学工程系 副教授,特别研究员,博士生导师
● 研究领域
● 开设课程及编写教材
● 主要学术任职
2019年~至今 高等学校化学学报 青年编委
2019年~至今 北京膜协会第八届理事
2019年~至今 膜科学与技术 通讯编委
2019年~至今 Chinese Chemical Letters 青年编委
2019年~至今 Trans Tianjin Univ通讯编委
2019年~至今 SmartMat 青年编委
● 代表性论文/专利/著作
1. Designing an asymmetric ether-like lithium salt to enable fast-cycling high-energy lithium metal batteries. Y.Xia, P. Zhou, X. Kong, J. Tian, W. Zhang, S. Yan, H Hui, H. Zhou, H. Dong, X. Chen, P. Wang, Z. Xu, L. Wan, B. Wang, K. Liu*, Nature Energy, 2023, 8, 934-945.
Highlighted by: HT Kim. Leaching organics from the interphase.
Nature Energy, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01281-0
J Ming. Et al. Design of new chemicals for advanced electrolytes.
SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11426-023-1716-7
2. Engineering a passivating electric double layer for high performance lithium metal batteries.
W. L. Zhang, Y. Lu, L. Wan, P. Zhou, Y. C. Xia, S. S. Yan, X. X Chen, H. Y. Zhou, H. Dong, K. Liu*,
Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 2029. Highly cited.
3. Rational Lithium Salt Molecule Tuning for Fast Charging/Discharging Lithium Metal Battery.
P. Zhou, H. Y. Zhou, Y. C. Xia, Q. Q. Feng, X. Kong, W. H. Hou, Y. Ou, X. Song, H. Y. Zhou, W. L. Zhang, Y. Lu, F. X. Liu, Q. B. Cao, H. Liu, S. S. Yan, K. Liu*
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, e202316717
4. Supramolecular polymer ion conductor with weakened Li ion solvation enables room temperature all-solid-state Lithium metal batteries.
H.-Y. Zhou, Y. Ou, S.-S. Yan, J. Xie, P. Zhou, L. Wan, Z.-A. Xu, F.-X. Liu, W.-L. Zhang, Y.-C. Xia, K. Liu* Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62, e202306948.
5. A fluorinated covalent organic framework with accelerated oxygen transfer nanochannels for high-performance zinc–air batteries.
Q. B. Cao, L. Wan, Z. A. Xu, W. M. Kuang, H. Liu, X. Zhang, W. L. Zhang, Y. Lu, Y. J. Yao, B. G. Wang*, K. Liu*
Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2210550.
6. Aromatic donor-acceptor charge-transfer interactions reinforced supramolecular polymer electrolyte for solid-state lithium batteries.
S. S. Yan, Z. Wang, F. X. Liu, H. Y. Zhou, K. Liu*
Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 2303739.
7. Tuning the Li+ solvation structure by a "bulky coordinating" strategy enables nonflammable electrolyte for ultrahigh voltage lithium metal batteries.
Y. Lu, W. Zhang, S. Liu, Q. Cao, S. Yan, H. Liu, W. Hou, P. Zhou, X. Song, Y. Ou, Y. Li, K. Liu*
ACS Nano 2023, 17, 9586–9599.
8 Fluorinated carbamate-based electrolyte enables anion-dominated solid electrolyte interphase for highly reversible Li metal anode.
W. H. Hou, P. Zhou, H. H. Gu, Y. Ou, Y. C. Xia, X. Song, Y. Lu, S. S. Yan, Q. B. Cao, H. Liu, F. X. Liu, K. Liu*.
ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 17527-17535.
9. Tuning and balancing the donor number of lithium salts and solvents for high-performance li metal anode.
P. Zhou, W. Hou, Y. Xia, Y. Ou, H. Y. Zhou, W. Zhang, Y. Lu, X. Song, F. Liu, Q. Cao, H. Liu, S. Yan, K. Liu*. ACS Nano, 2023. 17, 17169-17179.
10. Asymmetric Trihalogenated Aromatic Lithium Salt Induced Lithium Halide Rich Interface for Stable Cycling of All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries.
S. Yan, F. Liu, Y. Ou, H.-Y. Zhou,Y. Lu, W. Hou, Q. Cao, H. Liu, P. Zhou, K. Liu*.
ACS Nano 2023, 17, 19398-19409.
11. Rationally designed fluorinated amide additive enables the stable operation of lithium metal batteries by regulating the interfacial chemistry.
P. Zhou, Y. C. Xia, W. H. Hou, S. S. Yan, H. Y. Zhou, W. L. Zhang, Y. Lu, P. C. Wang, K. Liu*.
Nano letters 2022, 22, 5936-5943.
12. Nanoemulsion-coated Ni–Fe hydroxide self-supported electrode as an air-breathing cathode for high-performance zinc-air batteries.
L. Wan, Z. A. Xu, Q. B. Cao, Y. W. Liao, B. G. Wang*, K. Liu*.
Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 4535-4543.
13. Early braking of overwarmed lithium-ion batteries by shape-memorized current collectors.
J. C. Jia, H. Liu, S. L. Liao, K. Liu*, Y. P. Wang*
Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 22, 9122–9130
14. Zwitterionic matrix with highly delocalized anionic structure as an efficient lithium ion conductor.
S. S. Yan, Y. Lu, F. X. Liu, Y. C. Xia, Q. Li, K. Liu*
CCS Chemistry, 2022, 5, 1612–1622.
15. Strategies to enhance Li+ transference number in liquid electrolytes for better lithium batteries.
Pan Zhou&, Xiaokun Zhang*, Yong Xiang*, K. Liu*
Nano Research, 2022, 16, 8055–8071.
16. Lithium bromide-induced organic-rich cathode/electrolyte interphase for high-voltage and flame-retardant all-solid-state lithium batteries.
H. Y. Zhou, S. S. Yan, J. Li, H. Dong, P. Zhou, L. Wan, X. X. Chen, W. L. Zhang, Y. C. Xia, P. C. Wang, B. G. Wang, K. Liu*.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 24469−24479.
17. Novel urea-based molecule functioning as a solid electrolyte interphase enabler and LiPF6 decomposition inhibitor for fast-charging lithium metal batteries.
Pan Zhou&, Yingchun Xia&, Yuhao Wu, Wenhui Hou&, Yang Lu&, Shuai Yan, Hangyu Zhou&, Weili Zhang&, Kai Liu*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2022, 14, 38921−38930.
18. Regulating the growth of lithium dendrite by coating an ultra-thin layer of gold on separator for improving the fast-charging ability of graphite anode.
S. S. Yan, X. X. Chen, P. Zhou, P. C. Wang, H. Y. Zhou, W. L. Zhang, Y. C. Xia, K. Liu*
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022, 67, 467.
19. Supramolecular “flame-retardant” electrolyte enables safe and stable cycling of lithium-ion batteries.
X. X. Chen, S. S. Yan, T. H. Tan, P. Zhou, J. X. Hou, X. N. Feng, H. Dong, P. C. Wang, D. Wang, B. G. Wang, M. G. Ouyang, K. Liu∗
Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 45, 182.
20. A thermoresponsive composite separator loaded with paraffin@SiO2 microparticles for safe and stable lithium batteries.
H. Dong, P. C. Wang, S. S. Yan, Y. C. Xia, B. G. Wang∗, X. L. Wang∗, K. Liu∗
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 62, 423–430.
21. A review of fire-extinguishing agent on suppressing lithium-ion batteries fire.
S. Yuan, C. Y. Chang, S. S. Yan, P. Zhou, X. M. Qian∗, M. Q. Yuan∗, K. Liu∗
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 62, 262–280.
22. Rational design on separators and liquid electrolytes for safer lithium-ion batteries.
M. Q. Yuan, K. Liu∗
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2020, 43, 58-70.
23. Anisotropic anion exchange membranes with extremely high water uptake for water electrolysis and fuel cells.
Z. A. Xu, L. Wan, Y. W. Liao, P. C. Wang, K. Liu * and B. G. Wang*
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 23485–23496
24. Recent advances in electrolytes for high-voltage cathodes of lithium-ion batteries.
W. H. Hou, Y. Lu, Y. Ou, P. Zhou, S. S. Yan, X. He*, X. W. Geng*, K. Liu*.
Transactions of Tianjin University, 2023, 29, 120-135.
25 Electrospun Core-Shell Microfiber Separator with Thermal Triggered Flame-Retardant Properties for Lithium Ion Batteries.
K. Liu, W. Liu, Y. C. Qiu, B. Kong, Y. M. Sun, Z. Chen, D. Zhuo, D. C. Lin, Y. Cui*.
Science Advances, 2017, 3, e1601978. (Highlighted by Science, CNN, BBC, Daily Mail (UK); Chemistry World etc.)
26. Materials For Lithium Ion Battery Safety.
K. Liu, Y. Y. Liu, D. C. Lin, A. Pei, Y. Cui*.
Science Advances, 2018, 4, eaas9820.
27. Stretchable Lithium Metal Anode with Improved Mechanical and Electrochemical Cycling Stability.
K. Liu, B. Kong, W. Liu, Y. M. Sun, M. S. Song, J. Chen, Y. Y. Liu, D. C. Lin, A. Pei, Y. Cui*.
Joule, 2018, 2, 1857-1865.
(Highlighted by Joule: Stretchable Electrode breakthrough: Archimedean Spiral Coil Lithium Anode)
28. Lithium Metal Anodes with an Adaptive 'Solid Liquid' Interfacial Protective Layer.
K. Liu#, A. Pei#(contributed equally), H. R. Lee, B. Kong, N. Liu, D. Lin, Y. Liu, C. Liu, P.-C. Hsu, Z. Bao, and Y. Cui*.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 4815-4820. (“Highly cited paper” on ESI. Highlighted by Science and Technology Daily and New Materials Online.)
29. Extending the Life of Lithium-Based Rechargeable Batteries by Reaction of Lithium Dendrites with a Novel Silica Nanoparticle Sandwiched Separator.
K. Liu#, D. Zhuo#(contributed equally), H. W. Lee, W. Liu, D. C. Lin, Y. Y. Lu, Y. Cui*
Advanced Materials. 2016, 29, 1603987. (“Highly cited paper” on ESI.)
30. Reversible and Adaptive Functional Supramolecular Materials: “Noncovalent Interaction” Matters.
K. Liu, Y. T. Kang, Z. Q. Wang, X. Zhang*.
Advanced Materials. 2013, 25, 5530-5548. (“Highly cited paper” on ESI.)
31. Supramolecular Photosensitizers with Enhanced Antibacterial Efficiency.
K. Liu, Y. L. Liu, Y. X. Yao, H. X. Yuan, S. Wang, Z. Q. Wang, X. Zhang*.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8285-8289.
32. Extracting a Single Polyethylene Oxide Chain from a Single Crystal by a Combination of Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging and Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy: Toward the Investigation of Molecular Interactions in Their Condensed States.
K. Liu#, Y. Song#(contributed equally),W. Feng, N. N. Liu,W. K. Zhang*, X. Zhang.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 3226-3229. (Highlighted by Nature Materials, NPG Asia Materials, NSFC.)
33. Superamphiphiles Based on Directional Charge-Transfer Interactions: From Supramolecular Engineering to Well-Defined Nanostructures.
K. Liu, C. Wang, Z. B. Li, X. Zhang*.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 4952-4956.
● 学术荣誉与奖励
《麻省理工科技评论》 “35岁以下科技创新35人”(TR35)中国榜单,
瑞士Dinitris N. Chorafas青年研究奖(全球每年遴选30人)
● 实验室主页