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陈 晓


主要从事透射电子显微学及其在材料科学中的应用研究,特别关注多孔材料原子尺度结构特征与材料性能的内在关联。发展了低剂量积分差分相位衬度(iDPC-STEM)球差电镜成像技术在分子筛、和限域小分子等体系中的应用,近五年来,建立了在超低电子剂量的条件下研究分子筛、金属有机骨架(MOF)亚纳米尺度局域结构解析和原位观察限域分子动态行为的方法,开创了研究限域小分子动态行为和主客体相互作用的新领域,提供了一种有效的电子敏感多孔材料的普适表征手段,推动了电镜表征技术在能源催化等领域的应用。近三年内发表文章40余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者(共同)10篇,包括 Nature(3篇)、Science(1篇)、Nature Communications(4篇)、Advanced Materials(1篇)、J. Am. Chem. Soc.(1篇)。

● 教育与工作经历




● 研究领域


● 承担项目

1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,22005170,有机小分子在ZSM-5分子筛孔内单分子传递与脱附行为研究,2021-01至2022-12,16万元,在研, 主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目:22275110,探针分子对分子筛酸性位点的精准定位,2023-01至 2026- 12,54.00万元,在研, 主持。

● 代表性论文和论著

1. Boyuan Shen, Xiao Chen*, Fei Wei*, et al. A Single Molecule van der Waals Campass. Nature. 592, 541, 2021.

2. Hao Xiong ,Xiao Chen*, Fei Wei*, et al. In situ imaging of the sorption-induced sub-cell topologic flexibility of a rigid zeolite framework. Science. 376(6592):491-496.2022.

3. Boyuan Shen#, Huiqiu Wang#, Hao Xiong#, Xiao Chen*,, Fei Wei*, et al . Atomic imaging of zeolite-confined single molecules by electron microscopy. Nature. 2022, 607,703–707.

4. Qingqing Ding#, Yin Zhang#, Xiao Chen#, Fei Wei, Qian Yu*, et al. Tuning Element Distribution, Structure and Properties by Composition in High-Entropy Alloys. Nature. 574, 223–227, 2019.

5. Boyuan Shen, Xiao Chen*, Yao Wang*, Fei Wei*, et al. Resolving atomic SAPO-34/18 intergrowth architectures for methanol conversion by identifying light atoms and bonds. Nat. Commun. 12, 2212, 2021.

6. Huiqiu Wang #, Boyuan Shen#, Xiao Chen*, Hao Xiong ,Weizhong Qian*, et al. Modulating inherent lewis acidity at the intergrowth interface of mortise-tenon zeolite catalyst. Nat. Commun. 13, 2924, 2022.

7. Guo Tian #, Xinyan Liu #, Chenxi Zhang*, Xiaoyu Fan, Hao Xiong, Xiao Chen*, Hong-Jie Peng* & Fei Wei* Accelerating syngas-to-aromatic conversion via spontaneously monodispersed Fe in ZnCr2O4 spinel. Nat. Commun. 13, 5567, 2022.

8. Boyuan Shen, Xiao Chen*, Fei Wei*, et al. Imaging the node-linker coordination in the bulk and local structures of metal-organic frameworks. Nat. Commun. 11, 2692, 2020.

9. Chenhui Zhou#, Xiao Chen#, Rufan Zhang*, et al. Superdurable Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalyst for High-Performance Zinc–Air Batteries. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 6, 2694–2704, 2022.

10. Muhammad Tahir#, Guo Tian#, Chenxi Zhang*, Xiao Chen*, and Fei Wei*, et al. Highly Selective Conversion of CO2 or CO into Precursors for Kerosene-Based Aviation Fuel via an Aldol–Aromatic Mechanism. ACS Catal. 12, 3, 2023–2033, 2022.

11. Boyuan Shen, Xiao Chen*, Fei Wei*, et al. Atomic spatial and temporal imaging of local structures and light elements inside zeolite frameworks. Adv. Mater. 32, 1906103, 2019.

12. Dali Cai#, Ning Wang#, Xiao Chen#, Fei Wei*, et al. Highly selective conversion of methanol to propylene: design of an MFI zeolite with selective blockage of (010) surfaces. Nanoscale. 11, 8096, 2019.

13. Chunhui Yu#, Xiao Chen#, Fei Wei*, et al. Silicon Carbide as a Protective Layer to Stabilize Si-Based Anodes by Inhibiting Chemical Reactions. Nano Lett. 19, 5124-5132, 2019.

● 奖励与荣誉




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