陆奇 副教授
电话:010-62795294 地址:清华大学英士楼 邮件:luqicheme@tsinghua.edu.cn |
浙江大学材料科学与工程本科,美国University of Delaware物理学博士,并在之后分别于University of Delaware和Columbia University化工系进行博士后工作。2016年2月正式加入清华大学化工系教师队伍。现为清华大学化工系副教授,主要从事碳中和、新能源化工相关的多相(电)催化研究工作,其中包括二氧化碳的资源化利用,烷烃的高效转化等。多项专利授权进行实际应用开发。曾在Nature Catalysis、Nature Communications、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Angewandte Chemie International Edition等高影响期刊上发表多篇学术论文。学术成果曾被知名科学新闻媒体Science Daily、Chemistry Views、Materials View等进行专题报导。
● 教育与工作经历
2019.03~至今 清华大学化学工程系 副教授
2016.02~2019.03 清华大学化学工程系 助理教授
2013.09~2016.01 美国哥伦比亚大学化学工程 博士后研究员(双聘)
2012.02~2016.01 美国特拉华大学生物分子与化学工程系 博士后研究员
2005.09~2012.02 美国特拉华大学物理与天体物理系 博士
2000.09~2004.07 浙江大学材料科学与工程系 学士
● 研究领域
● 代表性论文/专利/著作
1. Activation of Light Alkanes at Room Temperature and Ambient Pressure. Zhang H., Li C., Liu W., Luo G., Goddard W. A., Cheng M. J., Xu B.*, and Lu Q.*, Nature Catalysis, 6, 666-675 (2023)
2. Weak CO Binding Sites Induced by Cu-Ag Interfaces Promote CO Electroreduction to Multi-carbon Liquid Products. Li J., Xiong H., Liu X., Wu D., Su D., Xu B., and Lu Q.*, Nature Communications, 14, 698 (2023)
3. Correlating Experimentally Determined CO Adsorption Enthalpy with Electrochemical CO Reduction Performance on Cu Surfaces. Xiong H., Sun Q., Chen K., Xu Y., Chang X., Lu Q.*, and Xu B.*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62(10), e202218447 (2023)
4. Correlating CO Coverage and CO Electroreduction on Cu via High-Pressure in Situ Spectroscopic and Reactivity Investigations. Hou J., Chang X., Li J., Xu B.*, and Lu Q.*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(48), 22202-22211 (2022)
5. Intercepting Elusive Intermediates in Cu-Mediated CO Electrochemical Reduction with Alkyl Species. Li J., Li C., Hou J., Gao W., Chang X., Lu Q.*, and Xu B.*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(44), 20495-20506 (2022)
6. C-C Coupling Is Unlikely to Be the Rate-Determining Step in the Formation of C2+ Products in the Copper-Catalyzed Electrochemical Reduction of CO. Chang X., Li J., Xiong H., Zhang H., Xu Y., Xiao H., Lu Q.*, and Xu B.*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 61(2), e202111167 (2022)
7. Electrokinetic and In situ Spectroscopic Investigations of CO Electrochemical Reduction on Copper. Li J., Chang X., Zhang H., Malkani A. S., Cheng M., Xu, B.*, and Lu, Q.*, Nature Communications, 12, 3264 (2021)
8. Oxygen Induced Promotion of Electrochemical Reduction of CO₂ via Co-electrolysis. He M., Li C., Zhang H., Chang X., Chen J. G., Goddard W. A., Cheng M. J.*, Xu B.*, and Lu Q.*, Nature Communications, 11, 3844 (2020)
9. Hydroxide is Not a Promoter of C2+ Product Formation in Electrochemical Reduction of CO on Copper. Li J., Wu D., Malkani A. S., Chang X., Cheng M. J., Xu B.*, and Lu Q.*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59 (11), 4464-4469 (2020)
10. Computational and Experimental Demonstrations of One-pot Tandem Catalysis for Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Methane. Zhang H., Chang X., Chen J. G., Goddard W. A., Xu B.*, Cheng M. J.*, and Lu Q.*, Nature Communications, 10, 3340 (2019)
● 实验室主页