Tang Junwang(唐军旺)教授在光和热耦合催化活化小分子(包括合成绿氨,水分解制氢,甲烷转化,二氧化碳转化为高级化学品等),新型催化材料,以及微波催化塑料循利用方面具有多年的研究经验和丰富的成果。同时利用多种时间分辨光谱来观察光热多能耦合催化反应的动力学。他是欧洲科学院院士(Academia Europaea),英国科学院-利弗休姆资深研究员, 比利时欧洲科学院院士 (Fellow of European Academy of Sciences), 英国皇家化学会会士(Fellow of RSC)和国际材料和矿物协会会士 (Fellow of IOM3),中国化学会荣誉会士等。曾任英国伦敦大学学院材料中心主任和化工系正教授,兼任全英华人正教授协会副主席,欧美同学会海外理事等社会职务。目前是清华大学化工系讲席教授和工业催化中心首任主任。已在国际杂志Nature Catalysis, Nature Energy, Nature Materials等催化和化学领域期刊发表了>250篇文章。科睿唯安多年高被引科学家。同时是5个国际杂志的主编/编辑或者副主编, 包括Applied Catalysis B, Chin J. Catal.(催化学报)等
● 教育与工作经历
1991-1995 |
东北大学化学系 |
化学学士 |
1995-1998 |
中科院沈阳金属研究所 |
材料硕士 |
1998-2001 |
中科院大连化学物理研究所 |
物理化学博士 |
2002-2005 |
日本国家材料研究所 |
JSPS研究员 |
2005-2009 |
帝国理工 |
高级研究员 |
2009-2011 |
伦敦大学学院 |
助理教授(Tenure) |
2011-2014 |
伦敦大学学院 |
副教授 |
2014-2017 |
伦敦大学学院 |
准教授(Reader) |
2016-2019 |
伦敦大学学院 |
大学材料中心主任 |
2017-2022 |
伦敦大学学院 |
正教授 |
2022-至今 |
清华大学 |
讲席教授 |
● 研究领域
● 代表性论文/专利/著作 (自2018)
1) Tang, J.*, An economic way to achieve all-weather CO2 reduction, National Science Review, 2024, 11( 3), nwad330.
2) Li, X., Li, C., Xu, Y., Liu, Q., Bahri, M., Zhang, L., Browning, N.D., Cowan, A.J.*, Tang, J.*, Efficient hole abstraction for highly selective oxidative coupling of methane by sputtering Au on TiO2 photocatalyst, Nature Energy, 2023, 8, 1013–1022. Doi: 10.1038/s41560-023-01317-5.
3) Li, X., Wang, C., Yang, J., Xu, Y., Yang, Y., Yu, J., Delgado, J.J., Martsinovich , N., Sun, X., Zheng, X., Huang, W., Tang, J.*, PdCu nanoalloy decorated photocatalysts for efficient and selective oxidative coupling of methane in flow reactors, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 6343.
4) Xie, J., Li, L., Guo, J., Luo,L., Delgado4, J.J., Martsinovich, N., Tang, J.*, Highly Selective Oxidation of Benzene to Phenol with Air at Room Temperature Promoted by Water, Nature Communications, 2023,14, 4431.
5) Wang, H., Qi, H., Sun, X., Jia, S., Li, X., Miao, T.J., Xiong, L., Wang, S., Zhang, X., Liu, X., Wang, a., Zhang, T., Huang, W., Tang, J.*, High quantum efficiency of hydrogen production from methanol aqueous solution with PtCu-TiO2 photocatalysts, Nature Materials, 2023, 22, 619–626.
6) Luo L., Han X, Wang K., Xu Y., Xiong L., Ma J. Guo, Z.*, Tang, J.*, Nearly 100% selective and visible-light-driven methane conversion to formaldehyde via. single-atom Cu and Wδ+,Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 2690.
7) Li, X., Wang, C., Tang, J.*, Methane Transformation by Photocatalysis, Nature Reviews Materials, 2022, 7, 617–632. doi:10.1038/s41578-022-00422-3.
8) Ma, J., Miao, T., Tang, J.*, Charge Carrier Dynamics and Reaction Intermediates in Heterogeneous Photocatalysis by Time-Resolved Spectroscopies, Chemical Society Reviews, 2022, 51, 5777-5794. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1CS01164B
9) Thangamuthu, L., Ruan, Q., Ohemeng, P.S., Luo, L, Jing, D.*, Godin, R.*, Tang, J.*, Polymer Photoelectrodes for Solar Fuel Production: Progress and Challenges. Chemical Reviews, 2022, 122 (13), 11778-11829. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00971.
10) Luo, L., Fu, L., Liu, H., Xu, Y., Xiang, J., Chang, C., Yang, D.*, Tang, J.*, Synergy of Pd Atoms and Oxygen Vacancies on In2O3 for Methane Conversion under Visible Light, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 2930. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30434-0.
11) Luo, L., Gong, Z., Xu, Y., Ma, J., Liu, H., Xing, J., Tang, J.*, Binary Au–Cu Reaction Sites Decorated ZnO for Selective Methane Oxidation to C1 Oxygenates with Nearly 100% Selectivity at Room Temperature, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144 (2), 740–750. 10.1021/jacs.1c09141
12) Wang, Y., Godin, R.*, Durrant, J.R., Tang, J.*, Efficient Hole Trapping in Carbon Dot/Oxygen-Modified Carbon Nitride Heterojunction Photocatalysts for Enhanced Methanol Production from CO2 under Neutral Conditions, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60, 20811-20816. doi:10.1002/anie.202105570
13) Han, Q.,* Wu, C., Jiao H., Xu, R., Wang, Y., Xie, J., Guo, Q., Tang, J.*, Rational Design of High-Concentration Ti3+ in Porous Carbon-Doped TiO2 Nanosheets for Efficient Photocatalytic Ammonia Synthesis, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2008180. doi:10.1002/adma.202008180
14) Wang, Y., Liu, X., Han, X., Godin, R.*, Chen, J., Zhou, W., Jiang, C., Thompson, J.F., Bayazit, M., Shevlin, S., Durrant, J.R., Guo, Z.*, Tang, J.*, Unique hole-accepting carbon-dots promoting selective carbon dioxide reduction nearly 100% to methanol by pure water, Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 2531.
15) Ruan, Q., Miao, T., Wang, H., Tang, J.*, Insight on shallow trap states introduced photocathodic performance in n-type polymer photocatalysts, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 6, 2795-2802. doi: 10.1021/jacs.9b10476
16) Wang, Y., Vogel, A., Sachs, M., Sprick, R.S., Wilbraham,L., Moniz, S.J.A., Godin, R., Zwijnenburg, M.A.*, Durrant, J.R.*, Cooper, A.I.*, Tang, J.*, Current understanding and challenges of solar-driven hydrogen generation using polymeric photocatalysts, Nature Energy, 2019, 4, 746-760. doi: 10.1038/s41560-019-0456-5
17) Xie, J., Jin, R., Li, A., Bi, Y., Ruan, Q., Deng, Y., Zhang, Y., Yao, S., Sankar, G., Ma, D. *, Tang, J*., Highly Selective Oxidation of Methane to Methanol at Ambient Conditions by Titanium Dioxide-supported Iron Species, Nature Catalysis, 2018, 1, 889-896. doi:10.1038/s41929-018-0170-x
● 学术荣誉与奖励 (自2014)
1) 中国化学会荣誉会士, 2024
2) 国际化工协会油气奖,2022
3) 英国材料、矿物和矿业学会会士(Fellow of IMMM),2022
4) 国际化工协会Andrew奖章( IChemE Andrew Medal,全球每3年授予一位在多相催化方面有突出贡献的研究人员),2021
5) 英国皇家科学院Royal Society-Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow(全英国每年7名),2021
6) 国际化工协会创新产品奖, 2021
7) 欧洲科学院院士(Academia Europaea, London),2021
8) 皇家化学协会RSC Corday-Morgan Prize (每年全球评选3名,迄今唯一的亚裔获得者), 2021
9) 比利时欧洲科学院院士(European Academy of Sciences),2020
10)微波增强的高质量快速石墨烯制备,国际化学工程协会商业创业最高奖(the IChemE Business Start-Up Global Awards),2019:
11)中国教育部长江讲座教授, 2019
12)国际光化学和太阳能转化科学家奖 ( IPS Scientist Award received at the 22nd IPS conference),2018
13)皇家化学会会士(Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry),2014