骞伟中 教授 电话:010-62794133 地址:清华大学工物馆 邮件:qianwz@tsinghua.edu.cn |
骞伟中教授曾担任国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家。 团队致力于先进材料如分子筛、碳纳米材料、微格金属材料的研究及其在催化转化、反应工程放大、能源存储(电容器与电池)、环境保护(有机废水与VOCs的吸附处理)等领域的应用。该团队发表了160多篇学术论文,申请及授权了100多项中国发明专利,有6项技术被鉴定于国际领先水平,有多项技术实现产业化,曾获得1次国家级奖励与7次省部一等奖奖励。
● 教育与工作背景
1988~1992 北京理工大学,材料化工学院,本科
1992~1996 山西东安化工厂,助理工程师
1996~1999 北京服装学院,化工研究所,硕士
1999-2002 清华大学,化工系,博士
2002~2015 清华大学,化工系,助理研究员及副研究员
2015至今 清华大学,化工系,教授
● 课程讲授
● 研究方向
1) 多相催化反应工程 (新过程开发:合成气一步法制烯烃/芳烃,甲醇制芳烃及最大化制苯技术,二氧化碳加氢制乙醇)
2) 碳纳米材料及储能应用(化学气相沉积制碳纳米管和石墨烯,化学刻蚀法制电极碳材料;高能量密度与高功率密度的双电层电容器;电池型电容器及电池)
● 部分论文成果
(1) Shen BY, Wang HQ, Xiong H, Chen X*, Eric G. T. Bosch, Ivan Lazić, Qian WZ, Wei F*. Atomic imaging of zeolite-confined single molecules by electron microscopy. Nature, 2022, doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04876-x.
(2) Xiong H, Liu ZQ, Chen X*, Wang HQ, Qian WZ, Zhang CX, Zheng AM, Wei F*. In situ imaging of the sorption-induced subcell topological flexibility of a rigid zeolite framework. Science 376, 491–496 (2022).
(3) Shen BY, Xiao Chen*, Wang HQ, Xiong H, Eric G. T. Bosch, Ivan Lazić, Cai DL, Qian WZ, Jin SF, Liu X, Han Y,Wei F*, A single-molecule van der Waals compass. Nature, 2021,591,541.
(4) Wang HQ; Sheng BY; Chen X*; Xiong H; Wang HM; Song WL; Cui CJ; Fei Wei*; Qian WZ*; Modulating inherent lewis acidity at the intergrowth interface of mortise-tenon zeolite catalyst, Nature Communications, 2022, 13.
(5) Wang, N*; Hou, YL; Sun, WJ; Cai, DL; Chen, ZH; Liu, LM; Ge, BH; Hu L; Qian WZ*; Wei F. Modulation of b-axis thickness within MFI zeolite: Correlation with variation of product diffusion and coke distribution in the methanol-to hydrocarbons conversion, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 243: 721-733.
(6) Wang HQ; Chen X*; Xiong H; Cui CJ; Qian WZ*; Wei F*; Imaging of Single Molecular Behaviors Under Bifurcated Three Centered Hydrogen Bonding, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62(e202308675): 1-6.
(7) Shen K, Qian WZ*, Wei F et al,, Fabrication of c-Axis Oriented ZSM-5 Hollow Fibers Based on an in Situ Solid-Solid Transformation Mechanism, J Am Chem Soc, 2013,135,15322.
(8) Zhang JG, Qian WZ*, Wei F, et al., Increasing Para-xylene Selectivity in making aromatics from methanol over a surface modified Zn/P/ZSM-5 catalyst. ACS Catal. 2015,5,2982.
(9) Wang HQ; Hou YL; Sun WL; Hu QK; Xiong H; Wang TF; Yan BH; Qian WZ*. Insight into the Effects of Water on the Ethene-to-Aromatics with HZSM-5, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10: 5288-5298.
(10) Chen ZH*, Hou YL,Song WL, Cai DL, Yang YF, Cui Y, Qian WZ*. High-yield production of aromatics from methanol using a temperature-shifting multistage fluidized bed reactor technology, Chem Engi J 2019, 371: 639-646.
(11) Cui CJ, Qian WZ*, Xiang L, Wei F* et al., Highly Electroconductive Mesoporous Graphene Nanofibers and Their Capacitance Performance at 4 V . J Am Chem Soc. 2014, 136,2256.
(12) Zhang RF, Zhang YY*, Zhang Q, Qian WZ, Wei F*. Superlubricity in centimetres-long double-walled carbon nanotubes under ambient conditions. Nature Nanotechn, 2013, 8,912.
(13) Wen Q, Qian WZ*, Nie JQ, Cao AY, Wei F*. et al. 100 mm long, Semiconducting, Triple-walled Carbon Nanotubes. Adv. Mater. 2010,22,1867.
(14) Liu Y, Qian WZ*, Zhang Q, Cao AY, Li ZF, Zhou WP, Ma Y, Wei F. Hierarchical agglomerates of carbon nanotubes as high-pressure cushions. Nano Lett 2008,8,1323.
(15) Xiang R, Luo GH, Qian WZ*,Zhang Q, Wei F* et al. Encapsulation, compensation, and substitution of catalyst particles during continuous growth of carbon nanotubes. Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 2360.
(16) Yang ZF, Tian JR , Ye ZZ, Jin Y, Cui CJ,* Xie Q, Wang J, Zhang G, Dong ZY, Miao YH, Yu X, Qian WZ*, Wei F. High energy and high power density supercapacitor with 3D Al foam-based thick graphene electrode: Fabrication and simulation. Energy Storage Materials 33 (2020) 18–25.
(17) Hu QF, Wang HM, Cui CJ*, Qian WZ*, “ Redox switches” of Fe species on zeolite catalysts: Modulating the acidity and the para-xylene yield from methanol. Carbon Future, 2024, 1(1): 9200001.
(18) Li J, Wang N,* Tian JR, Qian WZ*, Chu W*, Cross-Coupled Macro-Mesoporous Carbon Network toward Record High Energy-Power Density Supercapacitor at 4 V. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 1806153.
(19) Yin ZF, Cui CJ, Chen H, Duoni, Yu X, Qian WZ*. The Application of Carbon Nanotube/Graphene-Based Nanomaterials in Wastewater Treatment. Small 2019, 1902301.
(20) Yin ZF, Cui CJ*, Yu X, Zhao WH, Lin DX, Zhang Y, Li K , Qian WZ*. Near carbon-zero cycle from VOCs capture to carbon fixation. Carbon Neutrality (2022) 1:27.
(1)“基于泡沫铝厚极片的高功率锂离子电池技术”,中国电工技术学会,国际领先水平,2021. 排名1。
(2)“基于石墨烯-离子液体-铝基泡沫集流体的高电压超级电容器技术”,中国电工技术学会,国际领先水平,2018. 排名1。