谢续明 教授
电话:010-62773607 地址:清华大学英士楼 邮件:xxm-dce@tsinghua.edu.cn |
发表论文 230余篇,其中被 SCI 收录220 余篇,论文被引用了5千余次(Web of Science)。合译著1部,参编专著4部,授权国内外发明专利20多项,其中PCT专利3项。迄今获国家自然科学基金重点及面上项目共13项(负责11项)。与美国的宝洁公司、陶氏化学公司、国民淀粉公司、日本的日立化成公司、大金工业公司、三菱重工公司、韩国的晓星公司以及国内一些企业均有过合作,其中与有的国际公司是长期合作、并且部分技术已经在这些国际大企业实现了产品化。例如与日本公司进行的聚醚醚酮改性树脂的研发成果,日本报纸《日经产业》新闻等以“可代替金属的树脂开发”等为题进行了报道。
● 教育与工作经历
1981~1985 日本信州大学纤维工程系 本科
1985~1987 日本东京工业大学有机材料工学系 硕士
1987~1990 日本东京工业大学有机材料工学系 博士
1990~1992 日本昭和电工公司川崎树脂研究所 研究员
1992~1992 清华大学化学工程系 讲师
1992~1999 清华大学化学工程系 副教授
1999 ~至今 清华大学化学工程系 教授
● 研究领域
高强自愈合快速响应水凝胶;柔性可穿戴器件; 高分子共混及复合;纳米材料改性与组装;聚合物熔融接枝;塑料回收和高值再利用;高吸水性树脂;聚合物受限结晶。
● 开设课程及编写教材
● 主要学术任职
《Journal of Renewable Materials》副主编、《Chinese Chemical Letters》、《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science》、《Materials》、《Polymers》、《功能高分子学报》、《高分子材料科学与工程》和《中国塑料》编委,《机械工程材料》杂志编委会副主任。曾任《高分子学报》、《 International Journal of Polymer Science 》 等的编委。
● 代表性论文/专利/著作
1. Hao Xu, Xu-Ming Xie.“Super-tough and rapidly self-recoverable multi-bond network hydrogels facilitated by 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidone dimers” Chinese Chemical Letters, 32,521-524 (2021)
2. Long Pan, Yi-Tao Liu, Ming Zhong, Xu-Ming Xie."Coordination-Driven Hierarchical Assembly of Hybrid Nanostructures Based on Two-Dimensional Materials", Small, 16, 1902779(2020)
3. H. Xu, F-K Shi, X-Y Liu, M. Zhong and X-M. Xie,“How can multi-bond network hydrogels dissipate energy more effectively: an investigation on the relationship between network structure and properties”Soft Matter, 16, 4407(2020)
4. Xiao-Ying Liu#, Hao Xu#, Xu-Ming Xie*; “Homogeneous and Real Super Tough Multi-bond Network Hydrogels created through a Controllable Metal Ion Permeation Strategy”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(45), 42856-42864(2019)
5. Zheng-Wei Zhou, Long Pan, Xiao-Dong Zhu,Yi-Tao Liu and Xu-Ming Xie;“Elaborate synthesis of black tin oxide–black titanium oxide core–shell nanotubes for ultrastable and fast lithium storage” Chemical Communications, 54(38), 4790-4793(2018).
6. Long Pan, Zheng-Wei Zhou, Yi-Tao Liu,Xu-Ming Xie; “A universal strategy for the in situ synthesis of TiO2(B) nanosheets on pristine carbon nanomaterials for high-rate lithium storage”J. Mater. Chem. A, 6, 7070(2018).
7. Xiao-ying Liu, Ming Zhong, Fu-kuan Shi, Hao Xu and ing Xie; “Multi-bond network hydrogels with robust mechanical and self-healable properties” Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 35(10), 1253-1267(2017)
8. Yan Huang, Ming Zhong, Fukuan Shi, Xiaoying Liu, Zijie Tang, Yukun Wang, Yang Huang, Haoqing Hou, Xuming Xie,* and Chunyi Zhi* ; “An Intrinsically Stretchable and Compressible Supercapacitor Containing a Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Electrolyte” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56(31), 9141-9145(2017)
9. Huan-Ming Li, Xian-Wei Sui, Xu-Ming Xie; “High-strength and super-tough PA6/PS/PP/SEBS quaternary blends compatibilized by using a highly effective multi-phase compatibilizer:
Toward efficient recycling of waste plastics” Polymer, 123, 240-246(2017)
10. Huan-Ming Li, Xu-Ming Xie; “Morphology development and superior mechanical properties of PP/PA6/SEBS ternary blends compatibilized by using a highly efficient multi-phase compatibilizer”, Polymer, 108,1-10(2017)
11. Long Pan, Xiao-Dong Zhu, Ke-Ning Sun, Yi-Tao Liu, Xu-Ming Xie, Xiong-Ying Ye; “Molecular level distribution of black phosphorus quantum dots on nitrogendoped graphene nanosheets for superior lithium storage” Nano Energy, 30, 347-354(2016)
12. Long Pan, Yi-Tao Liu,* Xu-Ming Xie,* and Xiong-Ying Ye; “Facile and Green Production of Impurity-Free Aqueous Solutions of WS2 Nanosheets by Direct Exfoliation in Water” Small,48(12) ,6703–6713(2016)
13. F. K. Shi, M. Zhong, L-Q Zhang, X-Y Liu, X. M. Xie.“Robust and self-healable nanocomposite physical hydrogel facilitated by the synergy of ternary crosslinking points in a single network”,
J. Mater. Chem. B, 4, 6221(2016)
14. M. Zhong, Y-T Liu, X-Y Liu, F-K Shi, L-Q Zhang, M-F Zhu and X-M Xie.“Dually cross-linked single network poly(acrylic acid) hydrogels with superior mechanical properties and water absorbency” Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 5420.
15. Yan Huang, Ming Zhong, Yang Huang, Minshen Zhu, Zengxia Pei, Zifeng Wang, Qi, Xue, Xuming Xie and Chunyi Zhi; “A self-healable and highly stretchable supercapacitor based on a dual crosslinked polyelectrolyte”, Nature Communications, 12.22, 6: 10310(2105)
16. L. Pan, X.-D. Zhu, X.-M. Xie, Y.-T. Liu."Smart hybridization of TiO2 nanorods and Fe3O4 nanoparticles with pristine graphene nanosheets: hierarchically nanoengineered ternary heterostructures for high-rate lithium storage" Adv. Funct. Mater. 25, 22, 3341-3350(2015)
17. L. Pan, X.-D. Zhu, X.-M. Xie, Y.-T. Liu. "Delicate ternary heterostructures achieved by hierarchical co-assembly of Ag and Fe3O4 nanoparticles on MoS2 nanosheets: morphological and compositional synergy in reversible lithium storage" J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 2726(2015)
18. Ming Zhong, Yi-Tao Liu and Xu-Ming Xie,“Self-healable, super tough graphene oxide–poly(acrylic acid) nanocomposite hydrogels facilitated by dual cross-linking effects through dynamic ionic interactions” J. Mater. Chem. B, 3, 4001-4008(2015)
19. Ming Zhong, Xiao-Ying Liu, Fu-Kuan Shi, Li-Qin Zhang, Xi-Ping Wang, Andrew G. Cheetham, Honggang Cui and Xu-Ming Xie, ” Self-healable, tough and highly stretchable ionic nanocomposite physical hydrogels” Soft Matter, 11, 4235 – 4241(2015)
20. Fu-Kuan Shi, Xi-Ping Wang, Ruo-Hai Guo, Ming Zhong and Xu-Ming Xie;“Highly stretchable and super tough nanocomposite physical hydrogels facilitated by the coupling of intermolecular hydrogen bonds and analogous chemical crosslinking of nanoparticles” J. Mater. Chem. B, 3(7), 1187-1192(2015)
● 学术荣誉与奖励
1994年 国家教委优秀年轻教师基金
1999年 日本学术振兴会访问教授基金
2002年 美国明尼苏达大学Georgy.T.Piercy Distinguished Visiting Professor
2007年 ELSEVIER出版社颁发的第一届“Feng Xingde Polymer Prize”
2012年 武汉纺织大学客座教授
2013年 楚天学者讲座教授
2017年 复合材料学会“2016年度中国复合材料优秀博士学位论文提名奖导师”
2018年 ELSEVIER出版社颁发的第十二届“Feng Xingde Polymer Prize”
● 实验室主页