陈丙珍 教授 中国工程院院士
电话: 010-62781499 地址:清华大学工物馆 邮件: dcecbz@tsinghua.edu.cn |
自70年代后期即致力于化工系统工程新学科的建设和工业应用,创建了教学科研基地。围绕石化企业能源和资源的优化利用, 在化工系统综合、在线数据校正及在线优化、人工智能应用、产业链优化、面向本质安全的化工过程设计等前沿领域中展开研究,不少创新性成果在工业实践中得到了应用,主要有:解决了大型石化装置在线优化的关键问题——异常数据识别和在线数据校正,实现了从离线优化到在线优化的技术跨越;开发出具有自主知识产权的乙烯工业裂解炉模拟优化工程化软件;将人工智能与数值计算相结合,发展了具有逻辑推理、定性决策和定量计算功能的化工智能系统;提出了考虑灵敏度要求的换热网络优化综合方法以及全厂能量系统集成的数学模型和求解策略,在炼油厂节能改造中效益明显;提出了基于过程稳定性和可控性分析的全参数可行域的操作子区域的划分策略,使得所设计的过程在本质上具有维持稳定运行的系统特性,从源头上降低不稳定生产的概率或避免事故的发生。曾获全国科技大会重大科技成果奖1项,国家科技进步三等奖1项,省部级奖13项,出版专著1本,译著2本,在国内外重要期刊及会议上发表论文250余篇。曾任国际学术期刊“Computers & Chemical Engineering”编委,“中国化学工程学报(英文)”副主编等职。 曾担任第8届过程系统工程会议(2003)国际组委会主席。2005年,当选中国工程院院士。
● 教育与工作经历
1954~1959 苏联莫斯科门捷列夫化工学院 硕士
1959~1962 苏联莫斯科门捷列夫化工学院 副博士
1962~1971 原北京石油学院(现中国石油大学(华东))炼制系 教授
1982~1983 美国卡内基大学化工系 访问学者
1983~1990 清华大学化学工程系 教授
1991~1992 丹麦技术大学化学系 访问学者
1992~1992 瑞士苏黎世工学院化工系 访问学者
1995~1995 加拿大阿尔培塔大学化工系 访问学者
1996~至今 清华大学化学工程系 教授
● 研究领域
● 代表性论文/专利/著作
1.Zhang LF, Yuan ZH, Chen BZ. Refinery-wide planning operations under uncertainty via robust optimization approach coupled with global optimization. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2021,146: 107205
2.Wang ZQ, Wang L, Yuan Z, Chen BZ. Data-Driven Optimal Operation of the Industrial Methanol to Olefin Process Based on Relevance Vector Machine. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020
3.Chen Y, Lin M, Jiang H, Yuan ZH, Chen BZ. Optimal Design and Operation of Refinery Hydrogen Systems under Multi-Scale Uncertainties. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2020, 106822
4.Chen Y, Yuan ZH, Chen BZ. (2018). Process optimization with consideration of uncertainties – An overview, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(8), 1700-1706
5.Jiang H, Chen BZ, Grossmann I. E. New algorithm for the flexibility index problem of quadratic systems, AIChE Journal, 2018, 64 (7): 2486-2499
6.Jiang H, Chen BZ. Study on dynamic behavior adjustment of nonlinear chemical processes. AIChE Journal, 2016, 62(9): 3189-3198
7.Jiang H, Chen BZ, Wang HZ, Qiu T, Zhao JS. Novel method for considering process flexibility and stability simultaneously. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(38): 14765-14775
8.Wang HZ, Zhang N, Qiu T, Zhao JS, He XR, Chen BZ. Analysis of Hopf Points for a Zymomonas mobilis Continuous Fermentation Process Producing Ethanol. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52: 1645-1655
9.Yuan ZH, Chen BZ, Gani R. Applications of process synthesis: Moving from conventional chemical processes towards biorefinery processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2013, 49: 217-229
10.Wang HZ, Chen BZ, Qiu T, et al. Quantitative analysis of the capability of resistance to disturbance of stable steady-state points. CIESC Journal, 2012, 1: 027
11.Yuan ZH, Chen BZ. Process synthesis for addressing the sustainable energy systems and environmental issues. AIChE Journal, 2012, 58(11): 3370-3389
12.Zhang L, Chen BZ (2012), Applications of Shannon's Entropy Theory to Naphtha Pyrolysis Simulation. Chem. Eng. Technol., 35: 281–286. doi: 10.1002/ceat.201100194 on Process Systems Engineering, 15-19 July 2012, Singapore. )
13.Yuan ZH, Zhang N, Chen BZ, Zhao JS. Systematic Controllability Analysis for Chemical Processes. AIChE Journal, 2012, 58: 3096-3109
14.Yuan ZH, Chen BZ, Gürkan Sin, Rafiqul Gani. State-of-the-art and Progress in Optimization based Simultaneous Design and Control for Chemical Processes. AIChE Journal, 2012, 58: 1640-1659
15.Yuan ZH, Chen BZ, Zhao JS. Phase Behavior Analysis for Industrial Polymerization Reactors. AIChE Journal, 2011, 57: 2795-2807
16.Yuan ZH, Chen BZ, Zhao JS. An Overview on Controllability Analysis of Chemical Processes. AIChE Journal, 2011, 57: 1185-1201
17.Yuan ZH, Chen BZ, Zhao JS. Controllability Analysis for the Liquid-phase Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene to Benzoic Acid, Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66: 5137-5147
18.Yuan ZH, Chen BZ, Zhao JS. Effects of Manipulated Variables Selection on the Controllability of Chemical Process, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50: 7403-7413
19.Wang HZ, Chen BZ, He XR, Zhao JS, Qiu T. Analysis of the stability and controllability of chemical processes, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2011, 35(6):1101-1109
20.Wang HZ, Chen BZ, He XR, Zhao JS, Qiu T. Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of the Liquid-phase Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 158(2):220-224
21.Wang HZ, Chen BZ, He XR, Zhao JS, Qiu T. Numerical Analysis Tool for Obtaining Steady-State Solutions and Analyzing Their Stability Characteristics for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2010, 43(4):394-400
22.Wang HZ, Chen BZ, He XR, Qiu T, Zhao JS. SDG Based HAZOP Analysis of Operating Mistakes for PVC Process, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2009, 87(1):40-46
23.Yuan ZH, Wang HZ, Chen BZ, Zhao JS. Operating Zone Segregation of Chemical Reaction Systems based on Stability and Non-minimum Phase Behavior Analysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 155: 304-311